Monday, March 23, 2009

Mediocrity Vs Excellence

After completing nearly 23 years of my life, when i look back, i realise all my life i have been "mediocre" in everything i did, from studies to sports. I always did "just enuff to survive". Academically, always scored between 60-70%, except CAT (90%tile)..i only know how..:)

when i got into a management institute, i met people with varying degree of excellence and intelligence..was totally intimidated by them:) , i knew i had to pull up my socks asap....

Now that i have completed my management education, i realised i was walking on "a path of transformation"... those 2 years.Now, when i read about people who get into IIMs - coveted institute , and what it takes apart from excellent academic background, i realised its a mindset , attitude which takes them to that level.

IQ is important - it opens the first door, but not the last one.

we all know, IIMs have produced many business leaders..

So the question is .. what seperates them from rest of us..?

My thoughts on excellence:
  1. Excellence is a state of mind - Attitude towards life in general
  2. Excellence is about knowing ones strength and weaknesses
  3. Excellence is about having a direction in life - A goal
  4. Excellence is about series of 100 percents - are we ready to give 100 percent in everything we do?
  5. Excellence is about learning from the people who have excelled in their profession
  6. Excellence does not believe in Luck - Luck and Hardwork are brothers but Luck is a younger one:)...
  7. Excellence is a journey...
  8. Excellence is also about learning from ones failure. (as one of my mate commented)..

Fastest way to success is to work your backside off.. Luck is a "combination of preparedness and an opportunity spotted"

Most people are happy being mediocre, and others who are not..dont work towards achieving excellence.

Are we ready for a "Transformation"?


  1. Hey..first of all, kudos for starting a blog :) was wondering when u'd get around to it, guess now the time was rite..
    I totally agree with what u've said, being mediocre myself, n sadly bein happy about that..But now i'm READY for a "Transformation" :) n think that if I were to keep your pointers on excellence in mind, pretty soon everybody's gonna be asking me what I'm doing rite, n I'll send them the link to this page :)
    Keep blogging!!
    Love, Beni

  2. hey, that's one heck of a blog you've got there. what i feel is that you've brought out aspects of excellence which portray it as some sort of ideal attitude towards life which is rather theoretical and hard to achieve. what should also be included are things like excellence is learning from failures; to make it more realistic, so that people can understand that failure is not bad, because lets be frank, if you're told that excellence is about being perfect and having an idealistic approach towards life, people would seldom try to achieve it. Anyways that was just my opinion. Good going mate. Cheers..

  3. Dear friend, it is very nice to expose your experience as it will be an eye-opener to many. Agreeing with your views completely, I want to tell about few personalities supporting your thoughts on this. Lee Iaococca had a degree in designing initially and joins Ford Motor Company as it was his dream. After working some time in work shops, he thought that the career as a design engineer etc. is not challenging and he wants to change his job and decided to deal with the people. Then, he choose marketting and the Ford has not supported Lee's opinion and they have advised Lee to try for the job in sales on his own. He could get a job and step by step he rose to the Vice-president of Ford Motor Company. Then, he had to leave Ford and joins Crysler and from 10th place, Crysler became 3rd largest automobile maker in America. It was a big story. And, he writes on this things in his autobiography. Lee has seen and experineced so much in his life and I am sure that every management graduate reads his biography. If one understands what Lee says, then, he can certainly be a good manager. Lee says that for being successful in life one need get degrees from top universities in the world, but, one has to strong in writing, reading, hardworking, learning etc. basic qualities.
    Again, we must rememebr the story of our J.K.Rowling. She explains about her life, what is success, how to become successful and how a man should behave and about life, in her commencement address to Harward. She could say that the degrees from Harward or ones CV can't be determinant of one's success.
    Again, Bill Gates is a drop-out from Harward as everyone knows and he has the courage to thing differently and could strike deals at an very early age in life.
    Again, Sri Sorabji of Central Bank of India, the Founder of Central Bank of India, starts his own Bank at the age of 29 after joining with some European Bank as a clerk. A great journey and great achievements admittedly.
    Dr.Abdul Kalam could not secure ranks, but with his hardwork and attitude, he could become a great scientist. He explains as to what is important to become successful in his book "Wings of Fire".
    All this instances and the experience supports your thinking and opinion on intellegence and achievements.
    I appreciate your boldness, your thoughts, your experience and your passion to do something special.

    Thank you so much.

